Top 6 Ways To Reduce Car Insurance Payment

1. Getting Multiple Quotes Getting quotes from multiple insurance companies seems like an obvious starting point. But, most of us just stick with the same carrier because we think of it as a bill that we are forced to pay and we just pay it each month. You might be surprised, however, by how much

7 Things to Consider Before Hiring a Tax Professional

Save money on filing my taxes

Tax season is in full effect and saving money on your tax preparation may help you with other bills or even a night out on the town. Here are some tips to help you reduce your tax preparation expenses. How much will you pay? Tax preparers vary in the way they charge for their services.

5 Mortgage Refinance Tips for March

Mortgage rates finally seem to be rising, not exactly the news homeowners were hoping to hear. The average rate on 30-year fixed-rate mortgages climbed to 4.46 percent this week from 4.43 percent last week. This marks the highest average since early 2014, but homeowners wanting to refinance have other options. Smart homeowners looking for lower

How to Get Freedom from Credit Card Debt in 2018?

America is in the midst of a Credit Card, Medical & Student Loan Debt crisis. Regardless of how good the economy seems there are major signs of another recession around the corner. Most of us don’t have time to think about the “big picture”, we are just trying to make it through the end of

Creating a Budget that Actually Works

Create easy to use budget for home

Creating a budget is crucial to staying out of debt, planning for the future and keeping your credit scores in good shape. The first step is to create a budget by examining your income and expenses to determine exactly how much money you have coming in and how you’re spending it. Once you’ve got a

How to Save on Groceries?

Ways to reduce our grocery bill

Saving money each month is vital to finding financial freedom. If you can focus and save money grocery shopping it can have a big impact on your monthly budget. Grocery shopping takes more time and effort, true. But it’s also the only way you’ll have control over what types of food you feed your family.